A Simple Request

It's really a simple request to go and make disciples, but it's quite another thing to accomplish. I think an easy definition of disciple-making is showing others the way to build Jesus into their everyday life. Jesus said in Luke 14.28, "that any builder who doesn't first count the cost is a fool" (my paraphrase). Several times I have wanted to build something but didn't count the cost and ended up looking foolish. It wasn't malicious but the thought of building something was so alluring I skipped over counting the cost. Subsequently, the building part never came about because I didn't have the materials set aside for the project.

I think disciple-making in the church today is similar. We have all been told as maturing Christians we should make disciples - we should build into others what God is building into us. Do we count the cost of building disciple-making relationships? Those relationships require time and space to flourish. Those costs have to come from somewhere and in our busy lives, we typically don't have room to add more to our plates. So what is the answer? I think the answer is sacrifice. Am I willing to sacrifice some of the time and energy spent on my current relationships and invite them to join me in my personal mission to make disciples. The questions that come to mind are what if they say no, then what? Do I leave them behind or do I forsake my call to go and make disciples? I don't think the answer has to be an all or nothing proposition. I should pray that God will position me to have faith and be obedient to have relationships whether they are new or longtime friends. That prayer is the sacrifice. God will you direct everything that I have or am (including my relationships) for your glory and purpose.